A Mother's Dream
A Mother’s Dream
By Hannah Lacy
Some little girls grew up dreaming to nurture their own someday
some girls grew up dreaming of traveling far away
This little girl grew up dreaming to make things with her own two hands and to help her fellow man
I grew up to make a different kind of masterpiece
one with two hands, two eyes, two feet
He is a tornado of joy, energy, and curiosity
He makes friends of strangers and braves the big world on his own
he doesn’t understand the word no
He takes up the time I used to dream
but you can’t daydream when a living thing is playing by your feet
Every time he learns a bit of courage on his own I see something instilled in me
Long ago, to unfold, a mothers dream
unspoken, unpruned, growing wild on it’s own
As he learns the power of play I see creativity passing through the bloodlines and genes
I may no longer shape a lifeless thing into a masterpiece but I get to shape and behold a living work of art that endlessly grows
I pray as he sees me work, clean, sing, scold and hold the moments as they come and go that he will learn the power of love
Love coming from the heavens, love coming from my own hands, love passing through words, and life’s daily dance
Dreams grow, shift, and change
They die and are born again
To see all of loves textures and shapes was a little girls dream
to see a little boy learn he is loved and to love others is a mothers dream
Copyrights Hannah Lacy 2017