Health and Wellness
It would be difficult to have a blog about recovering, especially from something like cancer, without speaking about health. After all, besides your emotions and your finances this is what is most affected. I have been told on various occasions since this struggle started that part of healing is "being kind to you". This could be taken as not being so hard on yourself, but more importantly this means taking care of yourself. I mean come on, the first four letters of health are h-e-a-l.
We've all heard it said "health is wealth". Well, it's true. Spend your health on gaining wealth and you could end up using your wealth to regain your health. So please, from someone who has come through a lot the past few years- take care of yourself! Your health involves more than just eating right. It's exercising and getting enough sleep.
I know all these things sound like a luxury because of the hectic lives most of us lead. I'm not wanting to give a lecture on diet or exercise, just share some helpful things I've found along my own journey that I hope may also be helpful to others.
( I am not judging anyone just sharing healthy adjustments that I have made, or sharing practical things that helped me on my own journey)
I've always been a little bit of what you could call a healthnut- donuts and soda were never to be found in my home growing up. My family always believed in the basics. Opting out on white for wheat, choosing sugar free when it came to anything sweet, not drinking carbonated drinks, or eating too much fast food.
Even as a young working adult with my own family these basics stuck with me.
Things like smoothies, soups, salads, and sandwiches were always something I enjoyed.
So prior to my recent health crisis I was eating fairly healthy already.
But as I have found recently there was major room for improvement.
So here are a few "Gems" I've stumbled upon. Do your own research, give a few things a try and do what works for you. But you are worth the investment and your health and your family's health is worth the extra effort. Our loved ones should be our greatest motivation.
My aim to be in better health is for my beautiful son. He will grow stronger, faster, and be more active the older he gets.
That being said I do not want to let myself get weaker, slower, and more run down.
I want to get better and recover and keep in step with him.
Pink Salt
The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:
Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
Aiding vascular health
Supporting healthy respiratory function
Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
Reducing cramps
Increasing bone strength
Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
Creating a healthy libido
Circulator support
Promotes kidney and gall bladder health when compared to common chemically-treated salt
For more from this article see
Coconut Oil
Coconut is known as a nourishing super food. Coconut oil has less cholesterol than butter and has a smooth flavor. It is a great substitute for baking or for anything requiring butter. But it doesn't stopthere, I have heard of it being used in coffee and as a moisturizer for face and hair. For some exciting and interesting uses see
Liquid Chloropyll
Liquid Chlorophyll was a very exciting find! It is an internal deodorant complex extracted from mulberry leaves and is known to have anti-carcengic properties. # This product is not guaranteed to cure, prevent or treat any illness. For an interesting read on cancer fighting foods to eat and avoid see